GEMINI grant gets renewed by the NIH
The first grant entitled Genomics of spermatogenic impairment was awarded in 2014 and it has now been renewed for another 5 years. The lead principal investigators on this grant are Don Conrad of OHSU and Ki Aston of University of Utah. Congratulations! PROJECT SUMMARY: This is a renewal application to the NICHD-funded Genetics of Male […]
The piRNA-pathway factor FKBP6 is essential for spermatogenesis but dispensable for control of meiotic LINE-1 expression in humans
The latest paper is now available online in American Journal of Human Genetics. Abstract Infertility affects around 7% of the male population and can be due to severe spermatogenic failure (SPGF), resulting in no or very few sperm in the ejaculate. We initially identified a homozygous frameshift variant in FKBP6 in a man with extreme […]